Libraries in the Digital Age by K. Carwell

     Libraries across the world have experienced a need for innovation with the rise of new technologies and the isolation caused by the recent COVID19 pandemic. With this need to overcome isolation libraries have striven to embrace the digital age through the creation of digital collections. One example of this was the project conducted by the Council of Independent Colleges where they used the "Shared shelf" in order to create a "collection of material assembled by one faculty member and made easily accessibly to others (Bringing Collections to Light)." The college campuses and libraries working with the CIC during the project  benefited with "The students being engaged in process gaining skills" and the faculty learning new ways to approach "teaching with primary sources" in the digital age. This project helps to outline the benefits of creating and maintaining digital collections for  libraries in the digital  era. Another reason for libraries to start looking towards researching and expanding options using new technologies is due to events such as COVID19. Libraries provide an opportunity for people to reconnect to a multitude of resources online through their digital collections. By expanding on their abilities to  connect with patrons, students, and other users around the world libraries are able to help recreate bonds lost during the isolating period caused by covid. 

Works Cited

Guernsey, Lisa, et al. “Public Libraries and the Pandemic: Digital Shifts and Disparities to Overcome.” New America, New America, 1 Jan. 2021. EBSCOhost,

Hetrick, Barbara, and Susan Barnes Whyte. “Bringing Collections to Light: Using Digital Media to Strengthen Teaching and Research.” Council of Independent Colleges, Council of Independent Colleges, 1 Jan. 2020. EBSCOhost,


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